The thing about the J.D. Vance photo that makes the situation more complicated is this. He's hitched his wagon to a political party whose popular appeal centers around marginalizing and humiliating people who behave like the folks in the photo. That is, being in the "wrong" bathroom, or otherwise "deviant" behavior (big, BIG scare quotes there, in case it's not obvious). My impression from watching Republican events and rallies is that cruelty, humiliation, and even violence directed at so-called "losers" or outsiders is a big part of what gets the crowds excited. Given this photo, it seems like maybe Vance might show a little more humanity or compassion towards people who don't fit in. But it looks more like grown-up Vance would probably rather bully and demean high-school J.D. It just calls attention to his hypocrisy, which is plenty evident elsewhere.
That said, I'm sure a lot of the people piling on are just looking for an opportunity to score cheap points.
The fact that this is related to a photo from high school seems poignant, as this sort of cruel mockery is what we used to think of as "high school behavior." Or even "middle school behavior." Now it's apparently a pastime you can get away with for your whole life.
I'll admit that I did my share of cruel mocking in those teen years. In retrospect, I notice that the most popular guy in my class did very little of that. He tried to be friends with everyone. Which is the advice I try to give my own kids: don't join in, be loyal to your friends, but be as good as you can to everyone. Of course, that advice wouldn't count for much if I were using my free time to go online just to mock and ridicule people.
Yes times infinity. Lack of charity is another way to put it - yes, I struggle with it too sometimes, and am always so appalled when I think what I truly was doing when I had those unkind thoughts. Self-deprecation is more honest.
The thing about the J.D. Vance photo that makes the situation more complicated is this. He's hitched his wagon to a political party whose popular appeal centers around marginalizing and humiliating people who behave like the folks in the photo. That is, being in the "wrong" bathroom, or otherwise "deviant" behavior (big, BIG scare quotes there, in case it's not obvious). My impression from watching Republican events and rallies is that cruelty, humiliation, and even violence directed at so-called "losers" or outsiders is a big part of what gets the crowds excited. Given this photo, it seems like maybe Vance might show a little more humanity or compassion towards people who don't fit in. But it looks more like grown-up Vance would probably rather bully and demean high-school J.D. It just calls attention to his hypocrisy, which is plenty evident elsewhere.
That said, I'm sure a lot of the people piling on are just looking for an opportunity to score cheap points.
The fact that this is related to a photo from high school seems poignant, as this sort of cruel mockery is what we used to think of as "high school behavior." Or even "middle school behavior." Now it's apparently a pastime you can get away with for your whole life.
I'll admit that I did my share of cruel mocking in those teen years. In retrospect, I notice that the most popular guy in my class did very little of that. He tried to be friends with everyone. Which is the advice I try to give my own kids: don't join in, be loyal to your friends, but be as good as you can to everyone. Of course, that advice wouldn't count for much if I were using my free time to go online just to mock and ridicule people.
Yes times infinity. Lack of charity is another way to put it - yes, I struggle with it too sometimes, and am always so appalled when I think what I truly was doing when I had those unkind thoughts. Self-deprecation is more honest.