Back in the early aughts, when I led a youth group and served on the Vestry at All Saints Pasadena, we repeated a line often mistakenly attributed to Robin Williams: “Being Episcopalian means we don’t have to check our brains at the door.” (If you do a Google search for that phrase, you’ll see that many Episcopal parishes use it proudly on their websites.)
Believe it or not, your mentorship prepared me for God’s particular will for me.
I pray for your family. I have for years. I am thrilled Heloise is going to church!
I love that.
That was just beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Loving the new posts ❤️ Take good care of yourself, Hugo. You are loved. Remember it.
Of course you want enchantment. I'm so glad you found it. And are brave enough to say so.
Beautiful share. Thank you 🙏🏻
This ❤️ Amen
“It would not be helpful. It would shed a small and dim light, but no heat. And sometimes, we don’t need to see as much as we need to be warm.”
So true!!!
Praise God! What a beautiful testimony.