It is axiomatic among essayists that we cannot predict which of the things we write will become popular. Every writer I know is astounded when something they quickly tapped out, almost as an afterthought, goes viral. Every writer is disappointed when a piece over which they labored gets almost entirely ignored.
It is good to write things that people want to read. It is also dangerous to think only about “chasing eyeballs.” Pandering to a capricious algorithm is not a recipe for better writing, or even a consistent living. We don’t just want to write, though — we want to be read! And so understanding what people want to read matters.
Are these my ten best Substacks of the year? Who can judge? What is certain is that they are, in ascending order, the ten that got the most views in 2024. You liked them and I am glad you did.
I re-share them with you here. As ever, I am grateful for your encouragement, your readership, your prayers and good wishes, and your financial support.
10. Can Men and Women be Friends? Reconsidering an Evergreen.
9. You Don't Have Permission: A Note on Suicide
8. Life after Disgrace: Counseling an Old Student
6. No, You Don't Get to Reveal Private Emails, Even if They Were from J.D. Vance
4. I Just Got Slapped for my IDF Shirt
3. Who Really Sleeps Their Way to the Top?
2. I Can No Longer Bear Playing the Part
1. Cormac McCarthy, His Young Muse, and a Return to Erotic Common Sense
My Substack remains free to all readers.
I do, however, welcome financial support. Your contributions – whether one-time or recurring, large or small, help me take care of my kids and continue to make writing a full-time occupation. I have an account on the platform Buy Me a Coffee, and you can do just that (in one-time $5 increments), or choose to become a patron. There is no obligation, only my immense gratitude. Thank you!
I hadn't read #8 (counseling a former student) before. that's one I'm going to save. really powerful. thank you for writing it.