in principle, i agree with this. i'm a quaker. we are taught to "walk cheerfully over the earth, answering that of god in every one." that includes folks we are ideologically distant from. however, there's another way to think about what it means to run out of fucks. i'll use myself as an example. i live in a town where, since inauguration, a large population of hispanic and latino folks are now afraid to leave their houses, send their kids to school, go to church, or visit the food pantry (and yes, some are most likely undocumented, and many are, as it were, "documented"). some have become homeless because a breadwinner has been picked up and detained or deported. i also see that there are a number of folks in the community who see this as great fun and long overdue. how do i know this? they say so, loudly and repeatedly and publicly. this human suffering, to them, is justified, but even more so, it's spectacular entertainment. now, i could devote a lot of energy to understanding where these people are coming from. or i could devote that same energy to supporting community organizations that are currently supporting the people who are suffering. should this be an either-or? probably not. is my energy limited? hell yes. so i choose the latter, and frankly i don't feel guilty about it.
Thanks for this. If there's one thing I've come to believe from having one foot on each side of the aisle (and contacts all across the spectrum from far right to far left) it's that there are massive misunderstandings taking place on just about every point being made. Neither side understands where the other is coming from, why they believe what they believe, or why they vote the way they do. The left is convinced the right is evil and the right is convinced the left are idiots. No one listens, no one budges, and no one even tries to open their mind or ears
in principle, i agree with this. i'm a quaker. we are taught to "walk cheerfully over the earth, answering that of god in every one." that includes folks we are ideologically distant from. however, there's another way to think about what it means to run out of fucks. i'll use myself as an example. i live in a town where, since inauguration, a large population of hispanic and latino folks are now afraid to leave their houses, send their kids to school, go to church, or visit the food pantry (and yes, some are most likely undocumented, and many are, as it were, "documented"). some have become homeless because a breadwinner has been picked up and detained or deported. i also see that there are a number of folks in the community who see this as great fun and long overdue. how do i know this? they say so, loudly and repeatedly and publicly. this human suffering, to them, is justified, but even more so, it's spectacular entertainment. now, i could devote a lot of energy to understanding where these people are coming from. or i could devote that same energy to supporting community organizations that are currently supporting the people who are suffering. should this be an either-or? probably not. is my energy limited? hell yes. so i choose the latter, and frankly i don't feel guilty about it.
Thanks for this. If there's one thing I've come to believe from having one foot on each side of the aisle (and contacts all across the spectrum from far right to far left) it's that there are massive misunderstandings taking place on just about every point being made. Neither side understands where the other is coming from, why they believe what they believe, or why they vote the way they do. The left is convinced the right is evil and the right is convinced the left are idiots. No one listens, no one budges, and no one even tries to open their mind or ears
Yes, yes, yes - thank you - it’s such a relief, almost physical, to read these truths.