Your TDS is a sign of your mental illness. True, the causation relationship is a "horse and cart" mystery. Did your mental illness come first, which led to TDS, or were you perfectly mentally healthy to begin with, but contracted the TDS affliction which drove you into mental illness?
Yes, shunning Trumpers doesn't help Dems' chances in elections, but I think the problem with the most recent presidential election is that millions who normally vote Democrat stayed home from the polls. I suspect Biden's win in 2020 made people complacent, as though they had forgotten what happened in 2016. And let's not forget that racism and sexism are unfortunately still a force in this country. Witness how Obama had to appeal to black men to vote for Harris.
As far as shunning Trumpers, well, I'm not shunning anyone, but I moved away from the deeply red area I grew up in in SW Minnesota. I'm Facebook friends with many of the people I grew up with. One of them, clearly was a Trumper, posted the day after the horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary a picture of a gun with the words "American Badass." I was and am disgusted. I was never really friends with this guy, so there was no decision to be made about shunning. But neither can I embrace anyone who clearly cares more about guns than children.
I've cut all Trumpers except my father out of my life. I had to in order to preserve my mental health.
Your TDS is a sign of your mental illness. True, the causation relationship is a "horse and cart" mystery. Did your mental illness come first, which led to TDS, or were you perfectly mentally healthy to begin with, but contracted the TDS affliction which drove you into mental illness?
Truer words were never spoken, Hugo.
Cutting people out of your life because of their political viewpoints is retarded.
Yes, shunning Trumpers doesn't help Dems' chances in elections, but I think the problem with the most recent presidential election is that millions who normally vote Democrat stayed home from the polls. I suspect Biden's win in 2020 made people complacent, as though they had forgotten what happened in 2016. And let's not forget that racism and sexism are unfortunately still a force in this country. Witness how Obama had to appeal to black men to vote for Harris.
As far as shunning Trumpers, well, I'm not shunning anyone, but I moved away from the deeply red area I grew up in in SW Minnesota. I'm Facebook friends with many of the people I grew up with. One of them, clearly was a Trumper, posted the day after the horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary a picture of a gun with the words "American Badass." I was and am disgusted. I was never really friends with this guy, so there was no decision to be made about shunning. But neither can I embrace anyone who clearly cares more about guns than children.