A dear friend from HS who decided to "come out" (c'mon, we all knew) while at college went on to become a very successful professional and eventually be able to marry his long time male lover. After a large disaster in my small town he mailed a very large check to the local fundamentalist Baptist church there to be used as they saw fit. He was Catholic. He was asked why he, an out, gay Catholic would donate to such people. His answer basically was that when he was at his most down time in HS and early college the people of that church remained his friends, held him up, and reminded him constantly that, "Jesus loves you" and so did they. That got him through his most trying period.
He says they really did love him, and it probably saved his life.
I left the Left at the age of about 30 (I am a year younger than you). I just noticed what nasty people I had surrounded myself with, so I escaped. I have been much happier, saner and more relaxed ever since as an anti-Left pseudo-libertarian (most modern Dems call me a white supremacist Nazi now, in spite of my black daughter).
Also, boys have a penis and girls have a vagina, Epstein didn't kill himself and Trump wasn't a bad president, especially compared to what came before and after him. Life must be tough in a public-facing position where you can't say those things without having people taking a flamethrower to your face.
A dear friend from HS who decided to "come out" (c'mon, we all knew) while at college went on to become a very successful professional and eventually be able to marry his long time male lover. After a large disaster in my small town he mailed a very large check to the local fundamentalist Baptist church there to be used as they saw fit. He was Catholic. He was asked why he, an out, gay Catholic would donate to such people. His answer basically was that when he was at his most down time in HS and early college the people of that church remained his friends, held him up, and reminded him constantly that, "Jesus loves you" and so did they. That got him through his most trying period.
He says they really did love him, and it probably saved his life.
Come on in, the water's fine.
I left the Left at the age of about 30 (I am a year younger than you). I just noticed what nasty people I had surrounded myself with, so I escaped. I have been much happier, saner and more relaxed ever since as an anti-Left pseudo-libertarian (most modern Dems call me a white supremacist Nazi now, in spite of my black daughter).
Also, boys have a penis and girls have a vagina, Epstein didn't kill himself and Trump wasn't a bad president, especially compared to what came before and after him. Life must be tough in a public-facing position where you can't say those things without having people taking a flamethrower to your face.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed.