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Musk is a technocrat and I doubt he knows very much of the very businesses he's in. His family part of the apparatchiks like Gates' that treat them like spoiled brats but force them into slavery for the elite globalists. He probably wouldn't understand anything about all that you studied really. He'd just know the parts that kept the oligarchs in power or destroyed them. They've had to morph, shape shift when found out (they hid in Venice for awhile) and then emerge again like the pirates they are. When the going gets rough, as I think is on its way, knowing the basics will come in handy but who knew we'd have to learn how to garden, change a tire, fix a motor while knowing all that glorious other stuff you know. It all matters but we're headed for the basics for awhile if Musk's funders have their way. Being humble always pays.

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