Sitemap - 2023 - Hugo Schwyzer
Why Do People Believe Wrong Things? A Note on How We Explain Political Differences to Ourselves
Steadfast Branches -- some Christmas Memories
"You're a Very Unusual Rinse Driver:" Why We Loathe Acknowledging Social Class
Wholly Inadequate to the Present Moment: Revisiting Meditations on Paranoia
What Experience Teaches, and What it Doesn't
The King of Starting Over: Notes on Singleness and Spiritual Wandering
Snobbery, Pornography, and the Speaker of the House
Hamas, Israel, Coats, and Cancel Culture
You Get to Walk Away from the Argument: on Marriage and Facebook
On Ghostwriting Fiction: a Defense of Millie Bobbie Brown
I Sing of X and the Man: Elon Musk, Common Knowledge, and Mockery
What a Politician who Made Porn and a Disgraced Coach can Teach us About Restoration vs. Redemption
There is no "Shameful Final Chapter"
Life Just Happens to Me: A Note on Love and Passivity
I Won't Fight for my Vision: Confessions of a Failed Screenwriter
Schnozzes and Stakeholders: Looking for a Truth about Bradley Cooper's Prosthetic Nose
Civic Friendship and Disapproval
Not Free to Desist from the Work: Porn, Guns, and Holding Back the Tide
Ten Years on from “that Twitter Meltdown”
Sinead O'Connor, Cancel Culture, and Consistency
The Rent is Always High: on the Cost of our Choices
A Note on Rodeos, Small Towns, and Inculcating Curiosity
Your Silence is Not Complicity: A Note to the Kennedys about Bobby.
Mine is Thy Good Report: On Jonah Hill, Honesty, and How We Speak of Our Exes
A Quick Note on What You're Supposed to Look Like at 56
An Anecdote on Legacy Admissions and Learning
After the First Death, There are Still Others: on Policing the Reactions to the Submersible
On Calves and Children: a Note on Ranch Life
Nothing is Lost by Addition: of Cherubs and Anthems
A short note on Cormac McCarthy and Rating Writers
Class Traitors: The Style of Pat Robertson, Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson
When is Public Confrontation a Necessity and a Virtue?
The Thoughts are Not (Always) Free, After All
Who Gets to Have Imposter Syndrome?
Maybe "Peace and Love" Means Something: Ringo Starr and the Politics of the Moment
The "Gathering of Thought Criminals" and the False Dichotomies of Disgrace
Online Friendship, Loyalty, and the Death of Dooce
I Have Better Things to Do than Apologize for Sentimentality
Is Suffering a Prerequisite for Justice? More on Schadenfreude
Schadenfreude: the Most Indefensible Emotion
Who Deserves a Farewell Party?
What We Can Learn from the Kennedys
The Transcendent Joy of a Secular Easter
Sending my Daughter to the Gun Range: on Trust, Pluralism, and the Only Way Forward
We Can Never "Set the Record Straight:" The Illusions of History and Memoir
"Come Where You're Appreciated": Politics and Open Doors after Cancellation
All the Angry Totalizers: Super Bowl Thoughts
All's Well that Ends Well, and Other Pitfalls of How We Talk About the Past
We Don’t Talk Merely to Persuade: a response to Rod Dreher
The Horses are Already Frightened: How a Hockey Game Makes Me Rethink my Libertarian Instincts