Sitemap - 2023 - Hugo Schwyzer

Why Do People Believe Wrong Things? A Note on How We Explain Political Differences to Ourselves

Steadfast Branches -- some Christmas Memories

Callings and Seasons

"You're a Very Unusual Rinse Driver:" Why We Loathe Acknowledging Social Class

Wholly Inadequate to the Present Moment: Revisiting Meditations on Paranoia

Not all Celibacies are Alike

A Note on the Innocent Dead

A Short Thanksgiving Memory

What Experience Teaches, and What it Doesn't

The King of Starting Over: Notes on Singleness and Spiritual Wandering

Snobbery, Pornography, and the Speaker of the House

Who Gets a Pass?

We and I

Victory, Unexpected

Hamas, Israel, Coats, and Cancel Culture

You Get to Walk Away from the Argument: on Marriage and Facebook

On Israel

On Ghostwriting Fiction: a Defense of Millie Bobbie Brown

I Sing of X and the Man: Elon Musk, Common Knowledge, and Mockery

What a Politician who Made Porn and a Disgraced Coach can Teach us About Restoration vs. Redemption

We Survive on Thank-You Notes

There is no "Shameful Final Chapter"

Life Just Happens to Me: A Note on Love and Passivity

I Won't Fight for my Vision: Confessions of a Failed Screenwriter

Schnozzes and Stakeholders: Looking for a Truth about Bradley Cooper's Prosthetic Nose

Civic Friendship and Disapproval

Not Free to Desist from the Work: Porn, Guns, and Holding Back the Tide

Ten Years on from “that Twitter Meltdown”

Sex is Not a Transaction

Sinead O'Connor, Cancel Culture, and Consistency

The Rent is Always High: on the Cost of our Choices

A Note on Rodeos, Small Towns, and Inculcating Curiosity

Your Silence is Not Complicity: A Note to the Kennedys about Bobby.

Mine is Thy Good Report: On Jonah Hill, Honesty, and How We Speak of Our Exes

A Quick Note on What You're Supposed to Look Like at 56

An Anecdote on Legacy Admissions and Learning

I Feel Like Wagner Tonight

After the First Death, There are Still Others: on Policing the Reactions to the Submersible

Divorce, again.

On Calves and Children: a Note on Ranch Life

Nothing is Lost by Addition: of Cherubs and Anthems

A short note on Cormac McCarthy and Rating Writers

Class Traitors: The Style of Pat Robertson, Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson

When is Public Confrontation a Necessity and a Virtue?

Our Drug of Choice is Feeling Betrayed: Taylor Swift, the Dodgers, and all the Others who Let us Down

The Thoughts are Not (Always) Free, After All

Who Gets to Have Imposter Syndrome?

Maybe "Peace and Love" Means Something: Ringo Starr and the Politics of the Moment

The "Gathering of Thought Criminals" and the False Dichotomies of Disgrace

Online Friendship, Loyalty, and the Death of Dooce

I Have Better Things to Do than Apologize for Sentimentality

Is Suffering a Prerequisite for Justice? More on Schadenfreude

Schadenfreude: the Most Indefensible Emotion

They Will Hate You, but Tell the Story Anyway: Carolyn Bryant Donham, Emmett Till, and the Importance of Memoir

Who Deserves a Farewell Party?

What We Can Learn from the Kennedys

Kaddish for a Squirrel

Crying in Cars with Boys

The Transcendent Joy of a Secular Easter

Sending my Daughter to the Gun Range: on Trust, Pluralism, and the Only Way Forward

We Can Never "Set the Record Straight:" The Illusions of History and Memoir

"Come Where You're Appreciated": Politics and Open Doors after Cancellation

All the Angry Totalizers: Super Bowl Thoughts

All's Well that Ends Well, and Other Pitfalls of How We Talk About the Past

We Don’t Talk Merely to Persuade: a response to Rod Dreher

The Horses are Already Frightened: How a Hockey Game Makes Me Rethink my Libertarian Instincts

How You Feel Now is Not How You Will Feel Always: Prince Harry, the Pitfalls of Memoir, and the Ethics of the Ghostwriter